The Blessing of Saying Thank You Pt 2

I have been having quite a few thoughts on the ideas of Miracles(and miracles) lately. Oftentimes they are overlooked or forgotten. “But how could we forget a Miracle”, you say. My answer: the mundanity of life and the flow of time after the fact. That’s where the gratitude for miracles comes in. Notice how I capitalized Miracles versus miracles. I think there is a huge difference in what they are and how they shape our view of gratitude.

(Uppercase) Miracles are those supernatural moments where the divine intervenes and does something thought impossible. Someone’s cancer that once was spread throughout their body cured, Sight restored to the blind, the raising of the dead, even the thought of all our iniquities being washed away; a Miracle. There is obvious gratitude  for those things and I pray that that gratitude is continuous lest we forget the miracle worker. But I have become filled with more gratitude for the (lowercase) miracles. The breath in my lungs, the ability to work the cool river breeze as I exit my apartment, and my friends and family to name a few.

I know some people would argue that the (lowercase) miracles are a given and we shouldn’t put more of an emphasis on them lest they overtake the (uppercase) miracle, and I somewhat agree. But I think my thoughts align more with what Albert Einstein said “There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”

So show gratitude for the (uppercase and lowercase) miracles in your life this week (and every week) and also tell someone how thankful you are for them in your life. We are approaching one of the lonliest seasons and people need a little extra love. There is a blessing when you show thanksgiving for the big and small things in life.


I feel my thoughts are all over the place this week, but I’m just getting over a cold. I should have two or three more of these out before the end of the year, one on Risk and the other on the holidays. Also if you are in Nashville December 13th, some friends and I will be playing a show on Music Row! Cheers!




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