I’m back(on social media)

It’s kinda weird to think I’ve been off social media for two years now. I honestly don’t miss it, but since getting back on two days ago, I have realized its usefulness in staying connected to all those people I hold dear. So to all of y’all that have gotten married, engaged and everything in between congratulations I wish I could have said so earlier. 

You may be asking, so why did you leave? Well many reasons, multiple too long to tell here but I would gladly share if you ask(especially because of the redemption and sanctity of what was done since), but primarily I needed to reflect and heal. I never gave myself time to process things that had happened in my life: death, graduating, music touring etc. But I also failed to let myself grieve the things I had lost. And it was in one of those come to Jesus moments, that I saw the doorway with light peering in through the cracks that I was able to walk that journey. Since then I have moved to Nashville, I have made a butt load of awesome and talented friends, I have had two major out of school jobs(one I hated, one I love) and I have written a butt load of music.

That may lead into your second question: why have you come back? Short answer: Marketing. But in all seriousness, I want to be able to share and connect with people beyond the five texts I send out and might get a response every day. I want to connect through this music that I have been so grateful to write and I hope it really touches those that listen. So stay on the lookout, specifically the beginning of the year for some awesome stuff coming.

Also if you want to read more stuff like this(I have a friend that calls them emails that don’t market) I’ll be posting here from time to time so stay on the lookout! You can also read stuff I have already written!


The Blessing of Saying Thank You Pt 2


The Paradox of War