What I’ve been listening to- June 30, 2023
Here are some great tracks I have had on repeat and I think you should hear them too(Links will be at the end of each blurb):
On A Roll by Drew Holocomb and the Neighbors- This is just a great Springsteen type anthem that confronts growing up and the fear and failure that comes with it. https://youtu.be/nEaWyEAlp1E
Faith?! By Chris Renzema- another one dealing with the fear of the unknown and the complexity of how sometimes Faith feels like a free fall https://youtu.be/0S_IpLxefDQ
Ships in the Harbor by Tommy Prine- A song that deals with the difficulty that whether we like it or not people will come and go in our lives discussing the beauty and the trials in it. https://youtu.be/AVBMNFap8Wc
Telephone Friends by Telephone Friends- Just go check out this entire record by some of my literal friends of mine, it is an absolutely fantastic and fun record. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_lYvtjXNWv2_SwuI5oVnAYfjmI5eX1spqg