I was debating whether or not to post this one, but I have always found the conversation about men and women incredibly interesting and as culture continues to war on what they mean I have grown more passionate and convicted on the subject. If you ever want to hear my take on men and women just come talk to me about it and believe me we might need a few hours. But for today I just wanted to express my frustration with the portrayal of men and masculinity in the media. If you turn on any sitcom or movie on the major channels, all the fathers are mindless bumbling fools who are used as humor and for other characters to step all over(don’t come at me if you like those shows or disagree with me). Where have all the real men gone? I am not talking about the ones who berate others or take advantage of the vulnerable, I’m talking about the ones who protect and make others around them comfortable. One of my more recent favorite books(and probably my favorite on being a man), is this book called The Men We Need by Brant Hansen and his entire argument goes back to Genesis chapter one when God gives Adam one task “to keep” the garden and everything in it. This Hebrew verb not only means to keep but also to protect or make comfortable. From the beginning, God’s intent for man was to protect. Brant would go on to use this to specifically talk about women and children and our role as protectors to them. This doesn’t mean they aren’t capable of doing it themselves, I know plenty of women who could beat the snot out of any man, but we are supposed to give them a comfort for them to be who God calls them to be. Brant puts it so perfectly saying:
“In the garden I'm to watch over, my wife is the most beautiful Flower. I want her to bloom, and rightly placed ambition will give her room to flourish…I'm trying to be this kind of man, a man who makes his wife feel secure and protected. I know my wife is every bit my equal. I know she's highly intelligent and strong and creative and funny.I know she can survive with or without me. But it's my goal to see her thrive and flourish. I believe in her so strongly, l'an excited about what she can yet become”
That’s what true masculinity encapsulates. It doesn’t mean you can’t be goofy, or a huge cryer(I know I am) but you have the ability, the competency and the courage to allow others to flourish. Two recent things I’ve watched that truly show this was the Australian Animated show Bluey and the summer hit movie The Sound of Freedom. While Bluey is much more lighthearted, it shows a father who is willing to be there for his children as this safe presence in their lives. As for the Sound of Freedom, Tim Ballard’s story about saving these kids from human trafficking is heroic but it shows the very heart of what man was made to do, protect. God made us men to be the ones who protect the vulnerable and bring them closer to the one who made them.
I have more thoughts that would be a whole doctoral thesis, so if you ever want to hear my full thoughts reach out. I believe this is a conversation that needs to be heard.
Check out more by Brant Hansen at